Saturday, March 7, 2009

In the dark...

She lies there, and it surrounds her... Curling its fingers through her hair, tugging gently, teasing. It lies beside her, stroking, fingers against her skin, calling her name softly...

She pleads for it to leave her be, fears it, but is enthralled. Its voices whisper in her mind... drawing her in.

She feels that surrender will let it consume her, spread through her being, turn her mind to madness... and yet she wishes she could, to end the fear by being one with it.

You tell her it's a lie... and she wants to believe. That it's just her mind playing tricks on her. That the voices don't exist. That the allure of the darkness is not real.

But it's all a lie. You lie, though you know it not. The voices lie, a soothing facade for darker dreams...


  1. The mind is a being all on its own. I have so many voices in my head, at times they get the better of me. Sigh.

    Nice! :D


  2. do not dissspairr.. the darrkness iss therre

    jusst. ressisstt,....

  3. Celestial: Big Hugs to you too :) The voices in my head can get a bit freaky at times... but no mice or other small animals are harmed in the making of my posts :D

    Thing: the only thing I can't resist is temptation, but thank you, for the thought, and for your comment. :)


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